Our School Saints
We are proud to have Our Lady, Mary the mother of Jesus as one of our school Patron Saints. Mary is the Mother of God and, therefore, is the mother of all of God’s children, including you. Just as Mary guided and protected Jesus, we pray to her for her protection and her wisdom.
May is the month of Mary when we say the rosary together.
Important celebrations and feast days:

- 1st January - Solemnity of Mary. Mother of God
- 11th February - feast of Our Lady of Lourdes
- 25th March - the Annunciation
- 15th August - the Assumption
- 8th September - birth of Mary
- 7th October - feast of Our Lady of the Rosary
- 8th December - feast of the Immaculate Conception
We are also proud to have St Peter as one of our Patron Saints. As Christ's rock on which he built his Church, we pray to St Peter to guide us on Christ's path to Heaven.
St Peter is the patron saint of Rome, of bakers, brickmakers, masons, bridge-builders, butchers, clockmakers, cobblers, fishermen, harvesters, watchmakers, locksmiths, netmakers, the papacy, and the Universal Church.
St Peter shares a feast day with St Paul which is celebrated on 29th June. They are the Church’s foundational pillars. Peter represents the Church’s stability and the office of the Vicar of Christ. Paul represents the Church’s mission to 'spread the good news' and wrote many letters or 'epistles' that we hear in the Gospels.