The St Cuthbert’s Trust Chaplaincy Team play a vital role in all of our schools and our trust ensuring that the Chaplaincy mission is central to our school life.
Our school's Junior Chaplaincy team meets regularly to discuss our school and its religious ethos. It is led by Mrs McNulty.The Chaplaincy Team focus upon enriching Catholic Life within our school and plan and celebrate liturgical events within our worshipping community.
The Mission Team are more outward facing and focus upon living out Christ’s Mission within our families, local community and throughout the world
This year both teams have been involved with: Harvest, Remembrance, CAFOD Go Green, celebrating the work of St Francis and much more!
Together, they enhance the prayer life of our children encouraging them to recognise God in each other and the world around them whilst developing their experience of prayer. They support our Junior Chaplains, prayer groups and our Mini Vinnies. In each classroom sacred spaces have been developed. Our chaplaincy leads in school plan prayer and liturgy for the week ahead and provide their classes with exciting and interesting ways to pray and worship.

Our Charity work
The charities we have recently supported:
Kingfisher: a local homeless charity
During Harvest our school community collected food for the Kingfisher Cafe.
McMillan: A charity very close to our hearts
Our school worshipping community has sadly lost valued members to cancer. Each year we raise money for Macmillan Cancer Charity by selling buns.
Stella Maris (Apostleship of the Sea) True to our seaside roots.
Each year we fill woolly hats with toiletries and boiled sweets for our brothers and sisters working at sea who spend months at a time away from their families. This year we filled over 60 woolly hats!
CAFOD: Supporting Catholic Mission work worldwide
This year we held a CAFOD Go Green event to raise money to protect the environment and raise awareness of environmental issues. A former pupil 'Izzy' proudly represented our Trust at COP26. Pupils also sent questions to the politicians at COP26.