Our Parish
Our parish church is Our Lady & St Peter's in Bridlington
Our Parish is the Parish of Our Lady & St Peter, Bridlington.
As a school we attend Mass and deliver Liturgies in our Parish church with our Parish brothers and sisters. Our carol service and Stations of the Cross are attended by parents and parishioners. Our school community led by Mrs Spencer prepare the crib at Christmas time.
Our Parish Priest Father Albert is a regular visitor to our school.

The modern parish traces its origins to 1867 when Mass was celebrated in the Victoria Rooms. An iron church (JC Hawes, 1886) was quickly replaced by the present, more permanent structure in 1893-4 (by the architects Smith, Brodrick and Lowther of Hull). It was consecrated on 29th June 2005.
32 Victoria Road, Bridlington, East Yorkshire YO15 2AT
Email: starofthesea@rcdmidd.org.uk
Telephone: 01262 375519
Rev Albert Schembri
Service Times
- Sunday: Vigil 6pm, Sunday 9am
- Holy days: Vigil 6pm, 9am
- Weekdays: Wed & Fri 10am
- Friday: 3pm-4pm
- Friday: 3pm-4pm